Much like the structure of life, there are things in the world that shape us and make is who we are. A topiary, for instance, a cultivated trimmed and primed manicured element of nature that from it’s botanical beginnings is intended to be a finely shaped piece of living visual artwork. The expectation of perfectness is forced, no compromise, it’s real, it’s planned.  It is intended.

Are you a topiary?

In life this too can be the case if you allow it, the pruning of new growth is stifling . You cannot be free when your ambitions are constantly clipped, tucked away, rearranged and confined.  I suspect that lifes pressures can force the way we think, look, feel and live.

Have we become modern day topiaries?

Be a wildflower

Why do we listen and believe everything we hear and see? Get out of that rut. Let the grass grow, let your hair down and kick up some spontaneous thrills and adventures. No more excuses, no whining, no gripping. Just do it.

There is much to say about the wildflowers that roam free, they grow as they will without barriers, no permission, no structure for them.  With this comes more beauty and down to earth charm.