Originally posted on: August 10, 2007
Someone once said that “the best thing in life are free”. I am a firm believer that this is true. Love is free, respect is free (however you must earn respect) and a good positive attitude is totally 100% free. You do not need a few dollars or some loose change to get it. Does not cost one single cent and you feel good about it.
Now, now… I am not trying to get all sappy and squishy la la here, and I will keep this short. Where have all of the manners gone?
Ok what the heck. Is todays general public absolutely clueless?

The Queen: All About Bee
The simple word of “thank you” when someone holds the door open for you, a simple, yet light and cheery “thanks” is an effortless gesture that is sure to make someone smile – AND they will remember your kindness. To help a stranger with directions, to kindly let someone merge in front of you on the road (yeah, and you know who you are), or throw away your dirty plate and cup at a neighborhood BBQ… Just to make the tad of effort to be kind and polite.
Ok, maybe it’s a generational thing…. but then again perhaps not. Naaaa. It’s not.
It takes far more effort to not be polite or helpful that to settle on being a total ass-byte. Yes, it does. Who the heck appointed the “entitlement” factor award to these people. I could probably go on a rant to outline a few details of moronic bad-manner behavior, BUT I will leave this as is and basically say “thank you” for reading my blog and to give you a little “sting reminder”…
Just remember, to smile and kick on some serious well mannered behavior… for yourself.