I love history and creation of monumental architecture and monuments. Modern marvels that will engulf you into amazement and true awe.  The creation of the fine things in life are the ones that are the most grand, visual and practically unobtainable.

Antonio Gaudí

Antonio Gaudí

For instance, Antonio Gaud, the Spanish Catalan architect who belonged to the Modernist style – Art Nouveau movement and was famous for his unique and highly individualistic designs.
Gaud, throughout his life, studied nature’s angles and curves and incorporated them into his designs. Instead of relying on geometric shapes, he mimicked the way men stood upright.

Just short of three years after Gauds passing, Frank Gehry was born a few thousand miles away to eventually become another notorious architect who’s work was not only criticized for his unconventional design methods, however embraced by many. Thus taking the unusual and making it a reality. His designs of buildings that mimicked crinkled dented boxes and slick metal formations that keep the eye adventurous through light and shadows.

Truly amazing and incredibly inspiring.

Frank Gheary

Frank Gheary

I admire the gumption that these artists retained. For myself,  in most cases when someone tells me that I cannot do something or should never try something – it’s my passport to the rebellious nature that tells me different.

I find this style of tenacious mentality of the “auto-dismiss” very intriguing – imaging that… people who actually want others to fail and fall on their face is such an absurd waste if energy. Therefore challenging it to the extreme.

When I was in elementary school there were few people that were entertained by my “out of the lines” thought process. I often got criticized and put down by educators for having the imagination to for see elements in such a distorted dimension. Go figure…

I get asked often where I received my degree in fine art or where I received my masters degree… I simply state that I am a graduate of the UHK… University of Hard Knocks. Basically, a lifetime of hard earned learning, scrapes and knowledge. Just making it happen… Now now, do not think that I am dissing’ the educational system, but for some strange reason I have always felt that all of the self marketing and having the no fear attitude in business was perfectly normal. I mean, doesn’t everyone think in this way?

Cosmo Politician - Dark City

Cosmo Politician – Dark City 2002

Proving to myself more than to try and prove things to others was also a no-brainer. It is what it is and you “just do it!”  The more interesting and bizarre my works or ideas were (are), the better and more energetic the outcome is. True from the heart is what I feel and I never ask anyone for permission for creative freedom.

Never had and I can wager to say … I never will.    :o)