Ever wonder what ever happened to the the fun and simple and stress free things in our daily life?  I have paid a lot of attention recently to this very thought process as of recent. The free and simple things like passing someone on the street and giving them genuine smile (a total stranger no less)… and to receive a smile back is a gift that not only feels rewarding but is a no cost “feel good” for all grinning parties involved.

We often do not smile or reach out enough to those we encounter in our daily routine.. I wonder why this is? It makes me feel sad to know family, friends and colleagues don’t take that extra effort just for a simple “how do you do”.

Now, I do not want to go driving down “Assuming Road” of taking things for granted… but over the last few weeks I have reached out to several friends with a nice note to say hello, that I was thinking of them.  I received a small reply from some indicating that they were so busy and that life is busy — too busy to take a couple hours just to catch up and have a bite to eat and just catch up. I pondered this and found this rather interesting, I have always felt that life was busy, but I love a good spontaneous impromptu meet up.

Three Faces of Eve - Contemplating

I had been diligently attempting to get my back room in order – really in order. The chaotic mess of everything is starting to get somewhat suffocating. But I received an invite to do something with a friend I have not seen in quite a while… and as much as I could have thought toggle on the decision – I said Yes!  let’s do it.  Yeah yeah yeah… I know that the backroom will still be in disarray and there are a ton of emails that I have not yet responded to, but that was OK.  The backroom and administrative schtuff will always be there, but the invitation to connect with a friend may not pass by again in a looong while.

We hooked up and had a great time catching up and laughing, it was great.  The time flew by and it proved to be fantastic.

Time flies by, people grow older, kids get taller, communication gets smaller and calendars get filled. I wonder often when this all transformed, when we all weren’t so busy and life was ‘simpler’.  I do not suspect that my blog or article will change all that, but perhaps those reading may also contemplate the “just do it” attitude and you too may wonder why it might be a fun mindset that can become a regular  scheduled program in your agenda!