Well, the holidays are definitely upon us and the pressure is on.  The pressure to succeed, to be professionally  “on”, to please everyone and to stand tall in the process.  Needless to say, this is the time of the year where everyone is pretty stressed and rushed, this would include me.

Over the past few days some odd things have occurred, slight (but noticeable) things as simple as thinking of someone – then shortly thereafter I see them, people on the road driving more erratic than ever, having trouble balancing while doing Pilates, obscure keystrokes while typing and technical difficulties more so than ever.  As usual, I blame it on the season and my inability to have a decent nights sleep. But this has been far more intense.

After sharing these techie issues with some friends, it was brought to my attention that it could very well be something called “Mercury Retrograde”. I am not savvy when it comes to following planets or studying astrology, I don’t even picnic when there are eclipses, but decided to check this out and learn something new today.

Much to my surprise the Mercury Retrograde happens four times a year and it is happening now. Mercury is Retrograde from December 10th to December 30th in the sign of Capricorn. Strange and unusual things happen during this time, people act as if they cannot finish sentences, erratic behavior, computer and other electronic equipment are more likely to flip out, decision making and travel arrangements can throw you for a loop and overall moods can be a challenge.

Astro Gem

Astro Gem

During this time, the planet Mercury described as retrograde seems to appear to be moving backwards when the planet mercury slows down, then appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde).  It’s an optical illusion, since there is forward movement, like speeding by a slow-moving train — as it recedes, it appears to go backward.  Therefore during this time, all of us here on earth may be feeling ouside of ourselves.  Pretty bizarre huh!

I like to pride myself being somewhat technical with software, troubleshooting stuff, new technology etc, so, as you may imagine, I felt a tinge of relief that it wasn’t totally me and that there may be a weird unusual explanation for all of these occurrences. 

So I decided to research online and get better prepared for these next several days.  I located a cool blog from Gala Darling on  How To Survive Mercury Retrograde a fun and pretty simple guide on reflecting and getting organized to keep the samity.  So the best I can at this point is go with the flow, engage, accept and chilax. Looks like only six more days until we resolve back to normal… or thereabouts!  Whew.

Merry Christmas y’all!