Originally posted on: April 4, 2007

As usual, working late and have the late night TV on as I am finishing up some recent projects. For some reason the channel was on KRON where “Inside Edition” was on, (couldn’t locate the remote in order to efficiently change the channel, so it remained on…). The education that one can receive from this type of late night programming is remarkable and for some, I’m sure can be beneficial…. not my bag, but I did learn something:

What on earth is wrong with people…?

Is your viewing appetite ... junk?

Is your viewing appetite … junk?

The show features everything from one big real estate tycoon feuding with a well known obnoxious morning talk show host on politics (and ignorance), to rodents in New York restaurants (wow, is that a shock), elephants with “tusk” aches and the ever so alarming “American Idol” rebel/fan who is on a hunger strike to get a contestant removed from the show…. which was ironic because there was also a woman featured who tried to get her dog to eat, so she then dug into the pet food with a fork and consumed some of the tasty kibble herself… needless to say, both she and the dog became violently ill…

Oh. Ok… what?

I never watch this type of stuff… and now I know why. This was so ridiculous it was laughable. Out of frustration, I searched high and low for the remote, just in time for some infomercials… POWER OFF is such a useful button.

I think I will wrap it up now, for me this is early (1:10am), but I have a full day tomorrow.

Food for thought… The Food Channel. Always a safe bet, no hunger strikes, no pet food consumption and always a good down to earth chef competition/challenge or the like to make you crave something yummy.

Good night and sweet dreams.