Blog News & Press

The love of art and adventures! 

Sonya Paz Art and Design - Fine art and creative services

My Blog

Over 20 years of being a fulltime artist, has their merits! Here is a list of news, thoughts, adventures and more!

Fog of the Blog

Fog of the Blog

Yes, I know.  I am guilty.  I have not been blogging as I had hope to in the past several months.  As I sit here at my computer I ask myself, how can I spend so much time at this thing and not blog my thoughts daily... or weekly.......

Pupils for Pupils

Pupils for Pupils

Yes, it's been several weeks since I have blogged, (BAD BAD Sonya).  Yes, I am still exhausted from the "Day in the Life" blog from February 24th....  But that was over two months ago... no more excuses.  I will blog. I like blogging...

Facebook Therapy

Facebook Therapy

I love technolofy, social media, networking, geeking out and just putting all what I can personally and professionally online.  I love Facebook, Myspace, netowkring sites and the link. I recently heard someone chatting here in a recent...

True Grit – A day in the life

True Grit – A day in the life

So as promised, I often get asked on what is in the life and headspace of a working artist.  Most people think that this is a glamorous job where I am whirling in the glitter and glam of running my own gallery.  Whenever asked this - my...

Lastly First

Lastly First

Wow, I am almost embarrassed to post an entry here since I have not posted anything since October 2009.  However, not totally true, I have many thoughts, ideas and ponders to post - several in the "edit" stage and have not earned the right to...

Fashion, Muses and Couture

Fashion, Muses and Couture

Paris, New York, Milan, Miami, They all have them, they are seasonal, fall, spring, summer, winter. A couture collection of designers inventing and reinventing  styles that can fill a runway.  I am referring to this thing called Fashion...

Text, Styles and You Tube Videos

Text, Styles and You Tube Videos

Watching sports events like Tour de France or ice skating competitions or the recent popular Dancing with the Stars. There is a grace and glory to the elegance of the sport, I often overhear people say that they wish they can do this and how easy...

Come here my little pretty…

Come here my little pretty…

I have been witness to several evolutionary displays of visually pleasing prepared food in my lifetime, from the delicate crustless tea sandwiches, canapes and modest petit fours that were the rage in the 1960's. Over the period of a few decades...

Romantic Patina

Romantic Patina

Creativity does not just appear, one needs to be inspired and rejuvenated. When do you get inspired...? What makes you tick...? Are you creative on the fly, or is it a desire... a craving... a fad... or perhaps a need...? For most of the creative...

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