News & Press

News and press. Community Philanthropy, Public Art Displays, Donations, Contributions and more!

Sonya Paz Art and Design - Fine art and creative services

News & Press

Over 20 years of being a fulltime artist, has their merits! Here is a list of news and press!

EBSQART Online Interview with Sonya Paz

EBSQART Online Interview with Sonya Paz

February 2002 :: EBSQART Online Interview with Sonya Paz EBSQ Plus Online Artists - WEB Personal interview for the EBSQ On-Line artists group. Interview focuses on my style, inspirations, motivations and collector feedback. The EBSQ is an online...

The 2001 – 2002 SharkByte Art Event

The 2001 – 2002 SharkByte Art Event

The 2001 - 2002 SharkByte Art Event Based on the successful "Cows on Parade" public art exhibition in New York and Chicago, SharkByte Art will feature artistic renderings of 100 six-foot-long fiberglass sharks to be displayed throughout San Jose's...

Fox Sport News Interview with Sonya Paz

Fox Sport News Interview with Sonya Paz

Fox Sport News Interview with Sonya Paz (October 2001) SharkByte Art was featured on the popular cable channel Fox Sports Net in October, as part of a four-week series called "SharkByte," a half hour magazine-style show that explores the world of...

Sonya Paz on KKUP Radio with Paul Rickie

Interview with Paul J. Rickie on KKUP 91.5 FM The Santa Clara based radio station KKUP FM, 91.5 has invited me to be a guest on their "ArtScene" radio program in June. I was the featured guest on the June 27, 2001 program: Sonya Paz Artist...

Interview with Paul J. Rickie on KKUP 91.5 FM

Interview with Paul J. Rickie on KKUP 91.5 FM

Interview with Paul J. Rickie on KKUP 91.5 FM The Santa Clara based radio station KKUP FM, 91.5 has invited me to be a guest on their "ArtScene" radio program in June. I was the featured guest on the June 27, 2001 program: Sonya Paz Artist...

SharkByte Art – May 29, 2001

SharkByte Art – May 29, 2001

May 29, 2001 : SharkByte Art Sonya Paz Sharkbyte Art sharkbyteart_05.29.01 Press relating to the upcoming SharkByteArt event that took place in San Jose, California in 2001. A conceptual draft by Sonya Paz is showcased in this article!

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