I hear your conversations, I know your business, I know what you drank last night (and then some), I witness your horrific one handed driving and  I have absolutely no idea who you are.

This is what I believe all of us witness on a daily basis at the grocery store,  local cafe and at the park for that quality play date for that time with your 3 year old.

I fear that there really is no way to state my next comment without using all capital letters and shouting….  but  GET OFF YOUR FRIGGIN’ CELL PHONE!!!

I don’t want to hear your one sided family squabbles, your new business proposal, your idle ramble non important recent dating fiasco recap or witness your horribly uncoordinated ability to juggle the cell phone, your wallet, shopping cart, the debit card pad at Trader Joes while the whole world listens to your pathetic mumbo jumbo blabber about your ex-inlaws and their complaints about… um…you.

What on earth did you used to do before this small digit pad device called a cell phone was invented? Most likely had a life with laughter and quality family time and a free state of mind.

Got Manners?

Got Manners?

I have noticed in more that one place of business that signs are posted asking folks to take their conversations elsewhere.  I love it, in fact I was in Port Townsend in April and saw this awesome sign at the pizza place we went to.  I could not help take a snapshot of this as a cool reminder of the honesty of the modest, yet to the point request for their cell phone patrons.

Ever since I had a woman come in last month to the gallery (with her grade school daughter) cell phone in one hand and Gelato in the other, I greeted her to let her know we were available to assist and quickly got the “one index finger shush gesture”. I gasped out loud and calmly stated, “I don’t shush for anyone”. From then on I have decided that I simply was not going to take that crap anymore.

OK well, maybe it’s me (naaaaa trust me… it is not me), maybe I am not being sensitive to their hectic agenda of importance and need to be heard by… well…someone.

Take it outside.   Take it home.   Take it to the river.

Get a clue and get a bag of manners. As much as you are the center of the universe, you personal drama and dilemmas are of little interest to others…. but on the other hand, your dating disaster or flatulent inlaws gives much inspiration and you may be the center point of a really nice painting.

You are welcome to come and see it, but leave the cell phone at home.