Blog News & Press

The love of art and adventures! 

Sonya Paz Art and Design - Fine art and creative services

My Blog

Over 20 years of being a fulltime artist, has their merits! Here is a list of news, thoughts, adventures and more!

Torch Stories Part II

Torch Stories Part II

When I started painting  professionally, the internet was in its infancy. No real blogs, no Facebook, no My Space, people just messing around with HTML code hoping for a little corner of the Internet highway. If I been given the opportunity to...

Torch Stories – Part I

Torch Stories – Part I

I am the type of person that learns pretty quickly if I watch a demonstration or see something visually. If you want me to do something, show me once and I pretty much get it. Lectures and a bunch of talking doesn't quite do it for me.  Show...

Shades of February

Shades of February

A little color goes a long way. In the past few days in my travels I have encountered a pattern of early springtime.  Yellow.  It's everywhere and the funky moods that parallel it are pretty significant. So I thought to capture it in...

Savoring the Flavoring

Savoring the Flavoring

Food.  Gotta love it.... the flavors, smells and the colors. Hmmmmm  food is one of the things that SO impsires me. I love foods such as Thai, Japanese, Cuban, Brazilian and in the last couple of years I have really enjoyed...

My Mini Muse

My Mini Muse

I never thought I would be one of those "dog people" where I talk about my dog where ever I go and tell funny stories of the tricks that she recently learned or post photos of her all over my Facebook page. Yeah, I am one of those people and I...

Awesome Inspirations from South America!

Awesome Inspirations from South America!

It always a bonus as an artist when a piece of artwork touches others and can speak volumes to those who admirer it. But it's even better when a creation can inspire an entire class of kindergarteners to create a whole body of works from it! ...

A decade plus 365…

A decade plus 365…

Time flies when you're having fun... When I started painted again in 1999 after not painting for several years, I poured myself into it with a passion and a madness, it was a whirlwind of creativeness that encompassed me like never before. It was a...

Yummy Inspirations – Part I

Yummy Inspirations – Part I

It's not a secret that I love sweets, the sweeter the better... especially with a twist of salty goodness. In August I chose to trade in yumful delights like "Kettle Chips" for "carrot sticks" and "Red Vines" for "apple slices". There comes a time...

Group Shows and Celebrating Festivities

Group Shows and Celebrating Festivities

Celebration of Life During Day of the Dead ~ Dia de los Muertos Here at the gallery we are hosting an exhibit and tribute to celebrate Dia de los Muertos on Saturday, October 22nd. The exhibit will feature work from nine local artists;...

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