Sonya is mentioned in Leigh Weimers column
Sonya is mentioned in Leigh Weimers column Sonya Paz Mercury News – Leigh Weimers – March 7, 2005 March 07, 2005 San Jose Mercury News columnist, Leigh Weimers mentions Sonya Paz in the week of March 7th, 2005 column. You’d think that when the...
The Art of Marketing
“The Art of Marketing” December 15, 2004 Santa Clara Weekly, By Carolyn Schuk The “Business of Creativity”, is one of the statements made by Carolyn Schuk, writer for the Santa Clara Weekly in her recent article on Sonya...
Sonya Paz Opens New Art Gallery in Santa Clara
November 2004 SONYA PAZ OPENS NEW ART GALLERY IN SANTA CLARA Come See where History and Modern Pop Art Converge at Opening Reception. Sonya Paz, a noted Bay Area artist, is pleased to announce that she has opened her first art gallery for the public in Santa Clara!...
“The Vine Times” October 2004 Featured Cover
“The Vine Times” October 2004 Featured Cover by Sonya Paz October 2004 The Vine Times, a monthly publication that focus’ on California wine, winemakers and wineries. From San Diego to Napa Valley, Sonya’s artwork “Pouring it out on...