Wrapped up in my work … seriously
Being hands-on in my line of business is not unusual – it’s necessary, it’s one of the main reasons that I don’t prim myself up with fancy manicures or nail polish, why bother. I am not talking about being just the decision maker or...
Some things just never change!
I get asked all of the time if I have always been creative, I know that my parents can answer that question better than anyone (with some early childhood stories of crayons and paints, clay and other mediums)… stories about me I am sure will never make it...
Artful Tarts!
It’s not a secret that I love sweets and love to bake, make desserts, create and indulge in all things creative – especially if it’s edible. So many people often refer to my artwork as “flavorful” and “tasty”,...
Springtime Satisfaction
The completion of a project is one of the best feelings ever, it’s such a fulfilling sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This is basically part II from my March 27th blog entry titled “Finishing the Unfinished”...