Tall, Dark and Handsome –  Part 2

Tall, Dark and Handsome – Part 2

Cool furniture finds are a thrill indeed – the adventureous task to take a plain wooden crafted shelf unit into a fixture for a room that will not only be useful but will be quite a funkyand artful conversation piece. This was one of those finds where...
Wrapped up in my work … seriously

Wrapped up in my work … seriously

Being hands-on in my line of business is not unusual – it’s necessary, it’s one of the main reasons that I don’t prim myself up with fancy manicures or nail polish, why bother.  I am not talking about being just the decision maker or...
Some things just never change!

Some things just never change!

I get asked all of the time if I have always been creative, I know that my parents can answer that question better than anyone (with some early childhood stories of crayons and paints, clay and other mediums)… stories about me I am sure will never make it...
Artful Tarts!

Artful Tarts!

It’s not a secret that I love sweets and love to bake, make desserts, create and indulge in all things creative – especially if it’s edible. So many people often refer to my artwork as “flavorful” and “tasty”,...
Springtime Satisfaction

Springtime Satisfaction

The completion of a project is one of the best feelings ever, it’s such a fulfilling sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  This is basically part II  from my March 27th blog entry titled “Finishing the Unfinished”...
Finishing the Unfinished

Finishing the Unfinished

You asked for it and I am listening!  I get a lot of people who tell me things about my blog, as much as they like the writings of my sassy adventures and witty encounters, they desire to learn more of the creation processes and the nuts and bolts of the...