News & Press

News and press. Community Philanthropy, Public Art Displays, Donations, Contributions and more!

Sonya Paz Art and Design - Fine art and creative services

News & Press

Over 20 years of being a fulltime artist, has their merits! Here is a list of news and press!

HSSV Annual Fur Ball Gala Event

HSSV Annual Fur Ball Gala Event

March 24 2007: “HSSV Annual Fur Ball Gala Event” Sonya’s original wristwear artwork “Wishful Thinking” and “Cat-Itude” will be up for auction for this years “Fur Ball” Gala Event! Tickets and additional information for this event is available at...

Lil Miss SAMi

Lil Miss SAMi

Originally posted on: May 22, 2007 I would like to introduce to you our newest member of our family. Miss S.A.M.i. puppaliscious! (SA.M.i is an acronym for "Sonya and Mark".. heh heh heh sooo clever!) Sonya and Lil Miss SAMi Lil Miss SAMi She is an...

An Avenger-ous Profession

An Avenger-ous Profession

Originally posted on: Thursday, March 01, 2007 Funny how life imitates art.... or is it that art imitates life... in any event there were many things that I wanted to be as a young child, the most impressionable icon I can recall is the TV series,...

October 2006: Elite Racing – Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon

October 2006: Elite Racing – Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon

October 2006: “Elite Racing – Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon” Sonya Paz has been selected to be the official Poster Artist for this event PRESS RELEASE October 2, 2006 SANTA CLARA, CA Sonya Paz has been selected to be the official Poster Artist for...

“Art By The Pound” HSSV Fundraiser and Gallery Show

“Art By The Pound” HSSV Fundraiser and Gallery Show

"Art By The Pound" HSSV Fundraiser and Gallery Show  ARTIST SONYA PAZ AND HUMANE SOCIETY SILICON VALLEY OFFER "ART BY THE POUND" Animals will be Available for Adoption Alongside Art on October 14-15 Contact: Sonya Paz Fine Art 408.378.5000...

Sonya Paz Puts Local Causes in Public’s Eye With Her Art

Sonya Paz Puts Local Causes in Public’s Eye With Her Art

Sonya Paz puts local causes in public's eye with her art - By Mary Gottschalk Thursday, September 2, 2006 Art Cause: Local artist Sonya Paz designs watches with her artwork for nonprofits. She is offering the limited-edition watch (center) to raise...

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